Correspondence is an important part of e-commerce, which makes it even more important to have a backup Gmail email address. Once you create a Gmail Account, we can link it to your client file, and/or any Google Adwords and Bing AdCenter Accounts we create and manage for you.
Tip - make sure the email address you choose is unique to your online parts website and your dealership.
1. Click here for the Google Gmail sign up page.
2. Complete Gmail account information.
For “First Name,” use dealership name (Ex. DupreesNissan). For “Last Name,” use OnlineParts.
For “Username,” create something dealership specific, similar to this:
You will also need to create a unique password. Please be sure the password does not contain any mention of names or words used in the email address you created.
Birthday and Gender can be anything.
Mobile Phone is not required.
Please set your current email address as
3. Once you have established the Gmail account for your parts website, contact SimplePart Support at 404-520-7640.
Additional instructions on creating a Gmail Account can be found here.
Tip - You will have access to all Advertising accounts established with the Gmail Account you create.